Saturday, September 12, 2009

Viagra & Erotica: 'All in the Mind'

Scientists have concluded that women achieve most sexual satisfaction through the stimulation of their brain and not any other organ. After eight years of tests involving 3,000 women, Pfizer, the company behind Viagra, the little blue pill that has transformed men's sex lives, has abandoned efforts to prove that the drug works for females too.

Its research concluded that men and women have a fundamentally different relationship between arousal and desire. A women's arousal is triggered by a network of emotional, intellectual and relationship-based factors rather than the simple physical response required by a man, it says. The company's sex research team admitted that they had concluded the brain is the crucial sexual organ in a woman.

Early trials, where women were dosed with Viagra while watching erotic videos, the drug appeared to work, but further studies found that even though Viagra induced a greater pelvic blood flow, the women did not feel substantially more aroused. Pfizer has not given up all hope of finding an alternative to Viagra for women, and are now concentrating on finding drugs that affect a woman's brain chemistry.

Sexual Stimulation of Women, Viagra & Erotica: 'It's All in the Mind'

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